Cordelia's Compendium of Characters

Compendiums till the End

We have reached the end of this first edition of the Compendium. I hope you enjoyed meeting my characters. To resume, they are the ones of my first two published books so far. As the Compendium is far from being fixed and pre-determined, as more of my stories will be released, it will be expanded regularly.

Within the pages of the future editions of the Compendium you will be presented with a world of new characters. From the It-666 Saga, Book 2, ‘Raising It-666: the Teenage Beast.’, soon to be published (August 2015) we have an array of new comers to meet from Cato the Witch and her Army of monsters, the Swallowers, to Metatron, the ‘Legolas’ looking like Angel, a fan of Tolkien, who drives The Angels of Wrath to their missions in his tweaked super-van, passing by California dwelling Goddess Demeter, a formidable White Witch, surrounded by her devoted servants, a house full of virginal maids.

From book 3, ‘Saving It-666: The Archangelic Beast’, which will be released in December 2015, the discovery of characters continues. Demon Zeus is introduced with fracas as he brings terror, destruction and chaos in his path. This is an instalment which also sees the resurrection of a demonic creation to life by the Beast, her formidable Dra-Rex, the half dragon-half T-rex monster that she pets like a common dog…

So yes as the journey continues for It-666 from book to book, but also as it carries on in whimsical cursed Wilton Town, the Compendium of Characters will grow and grow and grow… Fans will be able to find the latest version on my website,, as it evolves and before being published; free for all to be enjoyed at any time.

First because it is not only the Beast Saga and the one of Wilton Town that lives in my mind. There are others, some partly written, like the dark fantasy ‘Clementine Boatswain’s epic adventures in the After-World’, and a few more novels and trilogies, some are there waiting for their time to be written up…

Imagine you are on a probing space craft. It lands on a very organic and pulsating planet shaped like two brains sown together. Yep, that’s an analogy a tad gruesome, I must admit. But yet the planet has a pretty pink colour marbled by blue and purple veins. From its surface, you see more universes than you ever thought existed with great awe. ‘Ground Control’ sent you the order to dig deeper. Your craft goes into the unknown, diving into one of the longitudinal fissure of the new planet. No need to drill those brainy grounds, it has the ready inviting shaft, fully formed, leading you to countless side galleries and corridors, a labyrinth of them… You will not know where to start but for the fully illuminated tunnels exposed to your exploration. That living planet is called ‘My Mind’, the probing craft the ‘Compendium’. It will land again and again to explore the new galleries full of gems and light.

Second because it is all about an ever growing imagination creating new worlds and their inhabitants. However if we spoke mainly of the characters in this Compendium, the future ones will have sections dedicated to their geographical worlds but also stories.

Third and last, the Compendium is very much a book which will evolve through time. Only at my death, you will have the definite set edition in your hands as I leave the world. But it will not happen any time soon, I hope, for I have so much writing work to deliver to the big wide world.

From my own experiences I know life can be so short, that fear of acting upon your dreams or goals is not an option. Within a space of three years, I lost three very important people in my life, one being my dad, two being snatched away by cancer. My father was 62, from a generation of arc welders building oil rigs like ‘Petrobras’, submarines like ‘the Pearl’, who had a layer of asbestos in their protecting masks, breathing their death sentences as they built for years. Nothing could be done, just watch the man disappear slowly. His grave faces the sea port, he worked and loved, giving a view of the Channel and coastline, he cherished. I am publishing this ‘Compendium’ on the sad second anniversary of his death, an homage to my father, to commemorate his sad passing, the one who made me. To my Dad, I will live to the full, and write until the end.

To you all, live and love to the full: Make sure you enjoy your journey doing so. Make sure you look back proudly able to say, I contributed to a loving humanity.
Just love that’s what it is all about. Love: a four letter word that means life, against its antithesis, hate which means death to all humanity.

To that I will finish with:
Lots of love to you all,
See you soon at my next Compendium.
Thank you for reading my works,
From the bottom of my heart,
Lots of kisses,

Cordelia's Compendium of Characters
Full Page Index
The book dedication
This comprehensive nomenclature will be ordered by the chronology of the published books and within it by the alphabetical order of the characters. Following the ‘Who’s Who’ of characters, you will find a ‘What’s what’ section, a list of created or combined words with their meanings. There are a fair few occasions where I applied this poetic license to fit closely to the heartbeat of the story or a particular individual within it. The last sections are the peep-holes to the future publications relating to those stories, spin-offs, prequels or next instalments to look forward to. It will offer the tangible glimpse of what is coming next or what happened before.
Published the 21st of October 2014, this short story was born like many of my stories within the midst of a nightmare. I remember still vividly hearing some chilling noises, some eerie music, sad laughter, stuck in the darkness of a long box. I pushed the door open to realise that I was in my coffin. A cowardly glance outside revealed a hilly cemetery, a moonlight night and other corpses rising from their graves, some dragging others to do so. I was freaked enough at the sight to lay back in the safe darkness, thinking that it must be a bad dream and that it will all pass. But someone saw me, someone recognised me, called my name out loud and opened my coffin lid wide open. In front of that half decomposed cadaver, my heart seemed to fail to beat any longer. I closed my eyes of fright and I woke up in my bed safe and well. I was not exposed in a coffin, exhibited to other dead people, I was in my bedroom with for only witness, my black cat Mystic blinking her yellow eyes at me peacefully from the other pillow.
It-666’s story can not be told in one sentence not even in one book. It has a fateful spin to it which will last for as long as it is meant to last. It is determined.
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